Suppiah Charity (2019)
In brief
Suppiah Charity and The SOL Foundation co-operate for the benefit of Maher in India to provide equal opportunities to participate in sports activities along with other children to the poor underprivileged children in Maher and the slum settlements. This will contribute to their overall development and general welfare.
Problem to be tackled
“Maher” (in the Marathi language) means “Mother’s Home”: a haven of hope, belonging and understanding. Their mission is to help destitute women, children and men from all over India exercise their right to a higher quality of life, irrespective of gender, caste, creed or religion.
Local partner
MAHER, founded 1997, is an Indian registered Trust with the objectives to construct shelter homes for the poor destitute women, children and men (mentally disturbed, challenged, elderly aged), to provide for lifelong shelter, food, clothing along with education and medical care to the poor destitute and underprivileged, to procure fixed assets such as land, vehicles and others for the various shelter homes, to work for rural, community and slum development and welfare, such as self help groups, youth awareness programmes in rural backward areas, vermin-culture pits, construction of toilets in the villages, bio-gas units, village libraries, kindergarten, sports training initiative for slum children, day care centres, free provisions for the poor, vocational training for the youth, placement cell for village youth, free coaching classes for school drop-outs, livelihood training courses and general outreach programmes, to support the running expenses of the existing homes and to provide for livelihood training programmes so as to enable the women, youth and men to become financially independent and self-reliant.
Maher provides shelter and education to children that come from extremely poor backgrounds where violence and ignorance thrive.
The Maher homes in Vadu, Apti, Pernephata and Vatsalyadam are all in, or close to the slums where poverty, alcohol abuse, unemployment, violence and sexual harassment are the order of the day. Due to the proximity to the slums Maher endeavours to include the children living in the slums in the activities and care of the Maher programmes.
The project focusses on youth aged between 5 and 15 with 65% boys and 35% girls.
SOL’s contribution
With the support from The SOL Foundation, Suppiah Charity will be able to set up a new sports initiative at their long-term partner and beneficiary Maher in India.
The pilot programme kicks off with a football project at the following four venues: Vadu, Vatsalyadham, Apti and Pernephata.
In the long run the following sports are seen as options to be included: taekwondo, kabaddi, hockey, volleyball, cricket, athletics, caroms or chess.
Project partner
Suppiah Charity is a non-profit organisation, also based in the Principality of Liechtenstein, which has set itself the goal of promoting projects in India to support women, children and elderly people who are destitute or who are physically and or mentally challenged. To this end, the association collects funds in Europe and supports projects of local Indian organisations.