4africa (2019)

In brief
The SOL Foundation assists 4africa for the benefit of their existing project in South Africa in conjunction with The South African Roller Hockey Federation. Overall, this annual programme offers support through sport on the sporting ground as well as with a new social programme.
Problem to be tackled
The South African Roller Hockey Federation sees a big disproportion in the society, in particular with the previously disadvantaged communities and children. Making a difference in the children empowers them to compete better in society and thereby uplift them at all levels.
Local partner
The South African Roller Hockey Federation based in Johannesburg, South Africa, sees a big disproportion in the society, in particular with the previously disadvantaged communities and children.
Making a difference in the children will empower them – using the power of sport and in this context roller hockey – to compete better in society and thereby uplift them at all levels. Giving the children equal opportunity and accessibility to learning tools and resources will certainly go a long way in achieving this. Coupled with competent supervised mentoring and guidance this project will have far reaching deliverables.
Project beneficiaries are previously disadvantaged and currently from the lower income bracket, with little or no means and accessibility to technology and learning tools whilst in school. With the project they can better their chances and be prepared better for life.
The beneficiaries are between ten and 18 years old, 70% boys, 30% girls and still in school; the aim is to improve their learning tools and facilities to empower them and have equal opportunities after school.
SOL’s contribution
With the support from The SOL Foundation 4africa will be able to upgrade their existing partnership with The South African Roller Hockey Federation and add a new social programme to the existing sport programme.
Project partner
4africa is a Swiss NGO that basically do fundraising to support different projects and individuals in the southern part of the African continent. Focus is in education, sport, social projects and financial aid in emergency situations, in Micro Business.