African Diaspora Hope (2020)

In brief
The SOL Foundation assists African Diaspora Hope in implementing the annual Simunye Cup in Johannesburg, in particular with the the 5th edition of the sport event in 2020 to unite communities.
This project brings people together – social cohesion and inclusion – and helps to fight social burning issues in the communities. The impact is to learn new culture and being exposed to different trading platforms from different cultures within Africa.
Problem to be tackled
The aim of this project is to use sports as vehicle to unite African People through their cultural diversities and fight some social ills as xenophobia, drug and substance abuse.
Local partner
The Simunye Cup is a football tournament that is organised for communities from various countries in Africa that are residing within the boundaries of City Of Johannesburg.
The aim of this project is to use sport namely football, boxing, tennis and netball and music as vehicle to unite African People through their cultural and social diversities. It encompasses of five categories of competitions or tournaments:
- Simunye Senior Cup (for above 17 years of ages, 32 teams): from March to May,
- Simunye Cup for Disabled: from March to May,
- Simunye Youth Cup (under 17 years of ages, 32 teams): from April to June,
- Simunye Women Cup (involved also older ages of women) from June to August and
- Simunye Royal Cup (involved citizen from various Africa kingdom based in South Africa and surrounding environment): from July to September.
The 2020 focus is defined with “Sports against Alcohol, Drug and substance abuse”. The event addresses the mandate and vision of the African Union and human rights through the social cohesion by fulfilling three pertinent goals:
- a celebration of Africa unity and social cohesion among various African communities,
- it also creates awareness against xenophobic, drug and substance abuse and HIV/AIDS and finally
- the event makes people to recognise that if they can play together why do they not live, eat or work together.
The beneficiaries are children, adolescents and adults aged between 12 and 65 years, 80% male and 20% female including children with disabilities and special needs. The majority of the participants share an underprivileged and low socio-economic background.
SOL’s contribution
With the support from The SOL Foundation, African Diaspora Hope will be able to implement the annual Simunye Cup in Johannesburg in 2020, the 5th edition of a sport event to unite communities.
Project partner
African Diaspora Hope aims to promote and enhance the quality of life of African include foreign nationals migrants in the spirit of Ubuntu.
Ubuntu means humanity – the belief in a universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity.
African Diaspora Hope facilitates and strengthens the access to social services (e.g. health, education or employment) by partnering with public sector, private sector and communities in order to improve the quality life of the African migrant living in South Africa.