S.B.A.C. Senior Secondary School (2018)
In brief
SBAC Senior Secondary School (SBAC) wants to create opportunities for young people locally and working with the communities, surrounding villages and areas ensures that there are opportunities for children, both boys and girls, to participate in sports from which so many benefits come.
An organised Sports Development Project teaches the students the power of sports. The existing facilities – two football fields and one basketball ground – will be utilised more regularly with a more meaningful approach.
Problem to be tackled
Less opportunities for young people especially girls of reasonable and sustainable recreational activities in the area.
Local partner
SBAC as implementer of the Sports Development Project follows the main goal: making awareness of gender equality and access to sports in particular football of critical importance for girls in India. Slum children from a near community should attend this programme, especially the girls. The programme will help them to overcome the cast system, build their confidence and integrate in the society. The SBAC school children will also benefit a lot by participating and better understanding of the slum children and importance of sports in there development.
For anyone becoming involved with the project – including Family members – they can play a great role in building confidence and enjoyment for the boys and girls by attending onsite at the school, participating through sports, role modelling, mentoring, supporting the school and helping the children understand the problem of inequality.
SBAC is involved with the welfare of the poorest and most underprivileged children in the community, the school children are from very poor backgrounds. Additionally slum children from surrounding areas are involved.
The project targets to start with girls as direct beneficiaries; to launch a Sports Development Project it is seen as essential to put first initiatives in place.
SOL’s contribution
With the support of The SOL Foundation SBAC will be able to implement a dedicated and sustainable Sports Development Project.
Project partner
SBAC Senior Secondary School (SBAC) has been established in 1889 at a time when the educational institutions in the rural villages were very few. The school has helped many children of underprivileged sections of the society and given them a good start in life. From all students attending often 80% come from poor backgrounds. The ratio between boys and girls is around 50:50.