Snow and Sea Tigers [SFBK] (2023)


In brief

The SOL Foundation assists the special needs project “Snow and Sea Tigers” which – in winter and summer – is directly aimed at acquiring or developing the participants’ skills and competencies; the focus is on a holistic approach and the goal of achieving a lasting positive influence and changes in the social, motor, and mental areas through sport and exercise.

Problem to be tackled

The benefits of physical activity are universal for all, including those with disabilities. The active participation of persons with disabilities in sports and recreational activities promotes inclusion, minimises deconditioning, optimises physical functioning, and enhances overall well-being.

Despite these benefits, especially children with disabilities are more restricted in their participation, have lower levels of fitness, and have higher levels of obesity than their peers without disabilities.

The beginning of inclusion in the society is based on the existing system, i.e., children with disabilities are measured against the performance and standards of the original system and not against individual (new) standards. As a result, in the perception of many, disabled children are simply “underperforming”. This is a major obstacle for many children and their social environment.

Local partner

The project is designed that no matter what the special need or disability, the participants can take part in and enjoy the benefits of sport in a people centred approach. Sport in this case is a “social inclusion tool” that empowers and promotes the inclusion of marginalised groups.

As a result, people with specials needs are not subject to discrimination due to their limitations and they can experience a – in most cases – previously unknown feeling of mobility. It is rare in sport, just like in the society, for people with and without support needs to use the same tool to practice a discipline.

SFBK provides an inclusive sports offer, which creates awareness for participants, partners, relatives, as well as the executing regions and ski areas. The snow and sea tigers not only achieve an impact on a personal level, but also contribute to promoting inclusion in Austrian sports with their reach and the resulting changes.


The beneficiaries are children, adolescents and youth aged between five and 25 years including 80% with special needs.

This project idea can be seen as a challenge for an inclusive society as about 10% to 15% of the population of an industrialised country (OECD 2010, 2016) have a disability or chronic diseases. Recent studies show that from a subjective point of view up to 20% experience limitations in their everyday life due to various impairments. The most common problems people face in this group are problems in their spare or leisure time. 21.2% stated that they had problems in participating in all forms of play, leisure, and recreational activities, such as sports, visiting a museum or theatre, travelling, or pursuing a hobby.

SOL’s contribution

With the support from The SOL Foundation, SFBK gGmbH will be able to implement the “snow and sea tigers” in 2023.

Project partner

SFBK gGmbH – Sport, Freizeit, Bildung und Kultur – is a registered non-profit limited liability company in Austria.

Its vision is to establish various cultural, social and sports programmes for people with special needs. The main aim of these programmes is social inclusion. Although they aim to reduce barriers and increase participation, they are also concerned to address broader aspects of social inclusion to promote aspects of personal, social and community development. As a non-for-profit organisation SFBK gGmbH wants to use the universal vision of unified activities in the field of sport, education, and culture for enhancing the participation in society of those in need, their families, and supporters.


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